Viareggio Carnival 1967


Organizers: Comitato Carnevale

President: Federigo Gemignani

Floats are constructed in the Hangar in via Marco Polo and parade in Passeggiata (Belvedere delle Maschere).

Dates and Weather

First parade
Sunday 22 january

30.000 viewers

Second parade
Sunday 29 january

100.000 viewers

Third parade
Sunday 5 february

200.000 viewers

Fourth parade
Tuesday 7 february

80.000 viewers


First class floats: Dove andranno gli innamorati

Complex of Mascarons: Fumo di Londra

Group Masquerades: Incremento al piano verde

Isolated Masquerades: Sorpresa Pasquale

Official Song

  • ➜ Sunny
  • ➜ Rainy
  • ➜ Windy
  • ➜ Cloudy
  • ➜ Cloudy/sunny
  • ➜ Changeable
  • ➜ Foggy
  • ➜ Sleet
Source: "Enciclopedia del Carnevale di Viareggio" -by Renzo Pieraccini and Alfredo Grossi

First class floats

Title Constructors
Dove andranno gli innamorati Arnaldo Galli
Viareggio ieri Sergio Baroni
Avanti piano quasi indietro Antonio Giuseppe Avanzini (Silvano)
Premio nobel per la pace Giuseppe Domenici (Beppe)
Scherzi Cinesi Nilo Lenci
Fumo di Londra Sergio Barsella, Carlo Francesconi
Guardiamoci allo specchio Ademaro Musetti
Le vie del petrolio Renato Galli
I Pappamondo Carlo Vannucci (Bocco)
  • N.D.: Not Available
  • F.C.: Out of Competition
  • P.L.: Elegy Prize
  • N.C.: Not Ranked
  • SQ.: Disqualified
  • P.C.: Consolation Prize
  • P.C.1: Consolation Prize 1
  • P.C.2: Consolation Prize 2
  • RIT.: Retired

Complex of Mascarons

Title Constructors
Fumo di Londra Giovanni Lazzarini (Menghino), Mario Francesconi
La riforma burocratica Valeriano Pardini
Cinema didattico Vittorio Lippi
Monumenti Celebri Amedeo Mallegni
  • N.D.: Not Available
  • F.C.: Out of Competition
  • P.L.: Elegy Prize
  • N.C.: Not Ranked
  • SQ.: Disqualified
  • P.C.: Consolation Prize
  • P.C.1: Consolation Prize 1
  • P.C.2: Consolation Prize 2
  • RIT.: Retired

Group Masquerades

Title Constructors
Incremento al piano verde Eros Canova
Rapine a mano armata Fortunato Pardini
Centro rifornimenti Angelo Romani
Congresso ad alti livelli Fabio Malfatti
Dove andranno Gli innamorati Fabio Romani
Le cariatidi Giovanni Pardini
Per qualche dollaro in piu' Davino Barsella
  • N.D.: Not Available
  • F.C.: Out of Competition
  • P.L.: Elegy Prize
  • N.C.: Not Ranked
  • SQ.: Disqualified
  • P.C.: Consolation Prize
  • P.C.1: Consolation Prize 1
  • P.C.2: Consolation Prize 2
  • RIT.: Retired

Isolated Masquerades

Title Constructors
Sorpresa Pasquale Gruppo Arcobaleno
Progresso della chirurgia Silvano Passaglia
Buon per te se ci indovino Fabrizio Passaglia
  • N.D.: Not Available
  • F.C.: Out of Competition
  • P.L.: Elegy Prize
  • N.C.: Not Ranked
  • SQ.: Disqualified
  • P.C.: Consolation Prize
  • P.C.1: Consolation Prize 1
  • P.C.2: Consolation Prize 2
  • RIT.: Retired

Opening Mascarons

Title Constructors
F.C. Re Carnevale Alfredo Morescalchi
  • N.D.: Not Available
  • F.C.: Out of Competition
  • P.L.: Elegy Prize
  • N.C.: Not Ranked
  • SQ.: Disqualified
  • P.C.: Consolation Prize
  • P.C.1: Consolation Prize 1
  • P.C.2: Consolation Prize 2
  • RIT.: Retired
Click on the images for zooming

ignoto - 1967 - as - apertura corso

Picture of unknown