Places list

Name Type Active
Baracconi in Via Cairoli Floats construction from 1948 at 1960
Hangar in via Marco Polo Floats construction from 1961 at 2001
Cittadella del Carnevale Floats construction from 2002 up to now
Via Regia Floats parade from 1873 at 1905
Passeggiata (Belvedere delle Maschere) Floats parade from 1906 up to now
Auditorium "Caruso" - Gran Teatro G. Puccini (Torre del Lago) Theatre from 1900 up to now
Teatro "Elpidio Jenco" (Viareggio) Theatre from 1900 up to now
Teatro Politeama (Viareggio) Theatre from 1900 up to now
Teatro "Vittoria Manzoni" (Massarosa) Theatre from 1900 up to now
Teatro "Eden" (Viareggio) Theatre from 1900 up to now
Teatro "Terra di Viareggio" (Viareggio) Theatre from 1900 up to now