Viareggio Carnival 1977


Organizers: Comitato Carnevale

President: Avv. Adolfo Giusti

Floats are constructed in the Hangar in via Marco Polo and parade in Passeggiata (Belvedere delle Maschere).

Dates and Weather

First parade
Sunday 6 february
Second parade
Sunday 13 february

100.000 viewers

Third parade
Sunday 20 february

200.000 viewers

Fourth parade
Tuesday 22 february
non effettuato
Extraordinary parade
Sunday 27 february


First class floats: Rami secchi

Second class floats: Carnevale in attesa di giudizio

Group Masquerades: I blasonati

Official Song

Ward Festivals

  • ➜ Sunny
  • ➜ Rainy
  • ➜ Windy
  • ➜ Cloudy
  • ➜ Cloudy/sunny
  • ➜ Changeable
  • ➜ Foggy
  • ➜ Sleet
Source: "Enciclopedia del Carnevale di Viareggio" -by Renzo Pieraccini and Alfredo Grossi

First class floats

Title Constructors
Rami secchi Arnaldo Galli
Porca Miseria Sergio Baroni
La cena delle beffe Antonio Giuseppe Avanzini (Silvano)
Le mosche bianche Raffaello Giunta
Alice nel paese delle meraviglie Carlo Vannucci (Bocco)
Viareggio in primo piano Renato Galli
Lietissimo Evento Nilo Lenci
Le falene d'oggi Luigi Renato Verlanti
  • N.D.: Not Available
  • F.C.: Out of Competition
  • P.L.: Elegy Prize
  • N.C.: Not Ranked
  • SQ.: Disqualified
  • P.C.: Consolation Prize
  • P.C.1: Consolation Prize 1
  • P.C.2: Consolation Prize 2
  • RIT.: Retired

Second class floats

Title Constructors
Carnevale in attesa di giudizio Amedeo Mallegni
Sulla cresta dell'onda Sergio Barsella
Torna al tuo paesello Davino Barsella
Scopa nuova Giuseppe Palmerini
Noccioline Americane Eros Canova
La scalata Ademaro Musetti
  • N.D.: Not Available
  • F.C.: Out of Competition
  • P.L.: Elegy Prize
  • N.C.: Not Ranked
  • SQ.: Disqualified
  • P.C.: Consolation Prize
  • P.C.1: Consolation Prize 1
  • P.C.2: Consolation Prize 2
  • RIT.: Retired

Group Masquerades

Title Constructors
I blasonati Paolo Vincenzo Lazzari
Lo spaventapasseri Giovanni Pardini
Il collasso Carlo Bomberini
La tombola Carlo Francesconi
La ristangata Giovanni Maggini, Angelo Romani
  • N.D.: Not Available
  • F.C.: Out of Competition
  • P.L.: Elegy Prize
  • N.C.: Not Ranked
  • SQ.: Disqualified
  • P.C.: Consolation Prize
  • P.C.1: Consolation Prize 1
  • P.C.2: Consolation Prize 2
  • RIT.: Retired

Rional Floats

Title Constructors
F.C. Carnevale sotto la pioggia Marco Polo Ward
F.C. Il tulipano Migliarina Ward
  • N.D.: Not Available
  • F.C.: Out of Competition
  • P.L.: Elegy Prize
  • N.C.: Not Ranked
  • SQ.: Disqualified
  • P.C.: Consolation Prize
  • P.C.1: Consolation Prize 1
  • P.C.2: Consolation Prize 2
  • RIT.: Retired

Reminiscent Opening Rional Floats

Title Constructors
F.C. La famiglia volante Vecchia Viareggio Ward
  • N.D.: Not Available
  • F.C.: Out of Competition
  • P.L.: Elegy Prize
  • N.C.: Not Ranked
  • SQ.: Disqualified
  • P.C.: Consolation Prize
  • P.C.1: Consolation Prize 1
  • P.C.2: Consolation Prize 2
  • RIT.: Retired